A gate suitable to guard a secret garden is needed.


A house or garden without a gate does not exist theoretically.
Even if there is no gate, some other thing takes its place. At the CHIKUHA house, their Tenshu (heavenly being) is a guardian angel, who stays on the parapet near the entrance, and is often absent from the house. However, visitors always sense its existence. This absent guide leads guests to where to go without their knowing it. It also indirectly indicates the dividing point into “a distant road and a near road,” invites people to “a running corridor,” and “seats at the back stage” for visitors coming late.

“Distant Road and Near Road,”(5) “Running Corridor,”(9) and “Seats at the Back Stage”(13)

作成者:原案 ちくは + トリートメント 中谷礼仁、米田沙知子、舩橋耕太郎
Production: Originally planned by CHIKUHA + Treatment: Norihito Nakatani, Sachiko Yoneda, and Kotaro Funabashi